
    Visiting Teams

    We welcome our visiting teams and medical staff to Baldwin Middle Senior High School's athletics. Here at Baldwin, we work hand in hand with our visiting teams to ensure the safety of our participating athletes.

    Athletic Training Facilities:
     Our indoor facility is located near the gymnasium. This facility is used in preparation for our volleyball and basketball games; however it may be accessed during other events by our head athletic trainer. It is equipped with one treatment table, an ice machine, and a sink. Our outdoor facility is located in the field house, adjacent to the football field. This facility contains two treatment tables, an ice machine, a sink, coolers, and medical supplies. Our visiting team and/or athletic trainer are welcome to use our facilities to tape and treat athletes, as well as fill coolers and bottles with ice and water. If the visiting team is traveling without an athletic trainer, we are available to provide all taping and injury care. Visiting athletes who would like to be taped must provide their own taping supplies.

    Provided Supplies:
     One 10-gallon cooler, cups, and injury ice will be provided on the sideline for indoor events. For football games, visiting teams MUST travel with their own coolers and bottles. For all other outdoor events, if the visiting team does not travel with their own hydration supplies, one 10-gallon cooler and cups will be provided for the game. Visiting teams may refill their coolers with ice and water in the field house athletic training facility. Emergency supplies, such as splints and tools for equipment removal, will be provided by our head athletic trainer if necessary.

    Ambulance Service:
     All junior varsity and varsity football games have emergency medical coverage provided by the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department. For all other events, EMS will be contacted by either the head athletic trainer, athletic director, or assistant principal for emergency care. In case of transport, JFRD will transfer athletes to the Baptist Medical Center downtown, which is approximately 30 minutes away from our school. Athletes who are transported MUST be accompanied with a parent or guardian. If parent or guardian is not present, athlete must be accompanied with the visiting team coach or athletic director. Parents should be notified if their child is transported to the hospital.

    Hospital Location:
     Baptist Medical Center, 800 Prudential Dr., Jacksonville, Florida 32207. Phone: 904-202-2000.

    Team Physician:
     Our team physician is present only at varsity home football games. If our team physician is unavailable, a substitute physician or resident will be present at our varsity football games.

    For further questions or more information, feel free to contact our head athletic trainer:
    Kevin Rapps
    Phone: (904) 266-1200
    Email: RappsK@duvalschools.org