
Strategies for Teaching Based on Autism Research

  • The STAR Program (Strategies for Teaching based on Autism Research, Arick, Loos, Falco, Krug, 2004) teaches children with autism the critical skills identified by the 2001 National Research Council and uses many of the evidence-based practices identified in the   and 2014 National Professional Development Report.


    The ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) instructional methods of discrete trial training, pivotal response training and teaching functional routines form the instructional base of this comprehensive program for children with autism. The STAR Program is the only curriculum that has been validated by multiple independent randomized control trials () on the market today.

    • Evidence-Based
    • Research Validated
    • ABA Based
    • Award Winning

    The STAR Program includes detailed lesson plans, teaching materials, data systems and a curriculum-based assessment for teaching in the six curricular areas of receptive language, expressive language, spontaneous language, functional routines, academics, and play & social skills.