District Testing Banner
  • CAST Information

    The Collaborative Assessment System for Teachers (CAST) is the evaluation system used by teachers in Duval County Public Schools. Its purpose is to improve district-wide professional competence, classroom performance, professional growth, and to serve as a basis for management decisions. The process uses valid, research-based procedures and instruments to identify effective teaching and provide feedback for ongoing professional development for each of the resources. 

    The Data and Assessment Team (DAT) handles all questions or concerns regarding student growth scores. Human Resources assists with inquiries related to Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDPs) and observations.


    CAST Diagram for VAM, DCG, and DCP



    CAST Professional Development

    DAT offers professional development opportunities to explain this detailed process. Live trainings are available during select early dismissal dates as well as at school sites upon request.

    Please visit our Professional Development Resources tab to schedule your training.

    During these training sessions, the team covers the following topics:

    • The assessments that are used for evaluations
    • The students that will count towards growth scores
    • An overview of how growth scores are calculated
    • Types of CAST models
    • The various portals available to view student performance

    This can be a complicated process, but we hope through these training sessions to inform all employees about this important and valuable topic. 


    My Accountability  

    While on the С³óߣ network, type the following in the URL or click the blue hyperlink to access My Accountability: or click on the My Accountability button below. If you receive a white pop-up box asking for credentials, click "Cancel". You may need to do this a few times.


  • CAST Links

    Below you will find resources for CAST.