• Our Goals

    The Sandalwood High School Chorus Program is dedicated and committed to helping students gain musical experiences while also developing them into responsible, maturing adults. To make this possible, the chorus requires commitment, organization, and discipline to the program. Being a member of the chorus is a privilege and an honor and students are expected to be role models for each other and other organizations in the school. Because of these high expectations and opportunities, students have the chance to establish valuable and important skills needed in life. Some of these skills include confidence, time management, poise, positive self-image, responsibility, and loyalty. Along with these skills, students are also given the musical tools that are needed to be a successful musician.

    Our Mission

    · To provide a comprehensive knowledge of music through the performance, creation, and knowledge of music.

    · To provide an environment that promotes and encourages life-long learning and personal as well as professional growth.

    · To create an environment that provides all students with a sense of community and loyalty to an organization larger than themselves.

    · To provide an opportunity for students to develop as disciplined, organized, and mature adults.

    · To allow students the ability to express themselves in an historical, practical, and theoretical musical atmosphere.


    Our Core Values

    Music- Every year we perform various types of musical literature such as Pop, Traditional Negro Spirituals, Gospel, Latin, Classical, and much more!

    Family- The Sandalwood chorus provides a “society” and “family” to which all chorus students may belong.

    Fun- Simply put, it’s more fun to sing and make music when you’re doing it with other people.

    Leadership- Our Chorus Leadership Team is a student-led group that works to promote and build unity, friendship, and work ethics among our chorus members.

    How to Join

    If you are interested in joining the Sandalwood Singing Saints Chorus, please feel free to email the Chorus Director, Dr. Barbara Bouie at mcneely-bouieb@duvalchools.org. Students may request chorus classes when elective selection takes place in Focus.