• IEP Picture

    Individual Educational Plan (IEP)

    Federal Law 94-142 requires the development of an individualized education program (IEP) for all students who have been staffed eligible for exceptional student education.  An annual review of the IEP is required; however, an IEP may be reviewed or updated at any time.  Prior to the scheduling of the IEP conference, the teacher will solicit input from the parent/guardian in the development of appropriate goals and objectives.  If the student is 14 years of age or older, a Transition IEP (TIEP) will be completed.  Goals will be included in the educational plan to assist the student in their transition from school to a community program following graduation.  It is vital that the parent and school staff work together as a team to accomplish goals.

    During the annual (T)IEP conference, diploma options will be discussed with you if the student is entering the seventh grade.  You will make a decision as to what type of diploma your child will work towards receiving upon graduation.