     Student Arrival
    Students are not to arrive on campus before 9:00 AM. Bus riders will remain on their buses until dismissed from the bus by school personnel.  Students will be dismissed from the busses by grade level, sixth grade first, then eighth grade, followed by seventh grade.  All students should report to their first block class for attendance and Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC).
    Students who are in Team-Up and athletics will be dismissed at 4:07 PM to report to the cafeteria.  Students should report directly and immediately to the cafeteria.  The cafeteria doors will be closed at 4:10 PM and students will not be admitted to Team-Up after the doors close.  At 4:11 PM walkers and car riders will be dismissed.  Car riders should report to the front of the school by the Parent Center and wait for parent pick-up. Walkers should exit the campus through the gate by building seven or the gate by the bus entrance, whichever is most direct for the student's walk home.  At 4:15 PM students who ride busses will be dismissed to the bus loading zone.  Students should report directly to the bus loading zone, locate and board their bus. Buses will begin to leave promptly at 4:20 PM.  Students involved in after school clubs should report to the designated area immediately after school is dismissed at 4:15 PM.
    By 4:20 PM, all students should be off campus or in their designated after school activity area.  Students not in an after school activity may not stay on campus after 4:20 PM.