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Mr. Randy Lessen - Saint's Spotlight

Mr. Randy Lessen is in the Saint’s Spotlight!

Mr. Lessen has been teaching for 22 years! He is passionate about literature. His American History teacher, Mrs. Brenda Osborne and AP Lit teacher, Ms. Marty Mayer both enhanced his desire to teach and study literature. He really loves it when he is teaching and he can see the gleam in his student’s eyes when they learn and connect literature and writing.  Mr. Lessen has always loved working with kids. They showed him how much fun one can have in the classroom and inspire others to learn. 

Some fun (and not so fun) facts about Mr. Randy Lessen…

  1. Mr. Lessen has been to 6 countries. The first two he visited he was able to walk across the border from America. Guess which two!
  2. He taught with his Latin teacher that taught him 36 years ago.
  3. He LOVES body surfing.
  4. He almost drowned in Ponte Vedra around his 19th birthday.
  5. His favorite theme park is Disney World! 

We are very happy to have Mr. Lessen at Sandalwood! Keep shining!