• Assistant Principals' Page

    Greetings Twin Lakes Academy Elementary,

    With great pride, I am honored to continue to be your Assistant Principal at TLAE. I’m excited to be partnering with Ms. Ehrenberg for the 2023-2024 school year as we teach students how to “Unleash the Super Leader” in them.

    I look forward to supporting all TLAE stakeholders as we work together to close achievement gaps, increase student achievement, and educate the whole child.

    One of the most important aspects of my role as an Assistant Principal at Twin Lakes Academy Elementary is working to build meaningful relationships with our students, families, faculty, and community partners. As the old saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child”, I believe that we are all responsible for ensuring that our students have access to the very best education at school, at home, and in the community.

    Throughout the school year, feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have. My door is always open!

    Educationally Yours,

    Amanda M. Strickland

    Assistant Principal 

  • Welcome TLAE Wildcats to the 2023-2024 school year!

    I am so excited to support Mrs. Ehrenberg as her Assistant Principal and ensure that TLAE is recognized as a leader in increasing achievement and improving outcomes for all students.

    I know we will work together to provide all students with the best opportunities and experiences. As Assistant Principal of TLAE, my door is always open, and I welcome your conversation and collaboration throughout this year. I look forward to celebrating our collective successes during the school year. Thank you for supporting TLAE and trusting us with your child’s education. Know that we could not do this without you.


    Monifa Campbell

    Assistant Principal