• Dear JWJ Parents,

    Through history there have been many amazing people that have managed to make a difference in the lives we live today, including our very own James Weldon Johnson.  They’ve  all had various hardships and obstacles that they have had to  overcome. Since before getting the acceptance email from James Weldon Johnson middle school, you have known the greatness living under your roof.  Upon joining our James Weldon Johnson community, we have learned that our scholars are amazing and meant to change the world. With this pandemic, our kids will overcome and be even more amazing citizens of the United States of America and make a difference in the world. We must push, encourage, and continue their drive of excellence.  We must continue to support and aid the needs of our teachers as they embrace this new avenue of education which is just as unfamiliar to them as it is to us.  

    Trojan warriors fought for ten years with persistence and clever tactics.  Each family has to use their own clever tactics that will lead to their scholar’s academic triumph.  It will take hard work and dedication from our scholars and positive encouragement from us. But know that you are not alone and we have some of the best students and teachers on our side. Our hearts are with those who have been negatively affected by Covid-19 and please know we are still here in time of need. You can reach out to PTSA members through our Website, Facebook page, and now through Instagram. This is a time to come together through social media and other distant avenues. Create platforms where we are able to talk to each other and share ideas.  Let’s pull together and watch our Trojans defeat every obstacle that come their way.

    The JWJ PTSA welcomes you! We work hard to support our students, teachers, administrators, and parents at James Weldon Johnson Middle School. With your help, JWJ PTSA will continue to support our outstanding school. Through the generous donations of parents and friends like you, PTSA provides the "extras" that tight school budgets do not allow. JWJ PTSA prides itself on a long tradition of funding all our events and projects from donations. We do not fundraise!

    We all know the positive impact made on our students when we are involved in their education. JWJ PTSA sponsors, plans, and funds many events throughout the school year. Whether educational, informational, celebratory, or just for fun, you'll find that our events build lasting JWJ memories and friendships for you and your student. Here's a sample: 

    Honor Roll Ice Cream Socials
    Reader's Beach
    Renaissance Faire
    Red Ribbon Week
    History Fair
    Science Fair
    Vision and Hearing Screenings
    Teacher Appreciation
    Orientation and Open House
    Magnet Tours
    Coffee Chats


    Kori Johnson, Former PTSA President

    James Weldon Johnson PTSA